Institute for
and Genocide
Your donation will help us continue to preserve the accurate historical record of the Holocaust and share its important lessons with the coming generations of students through performant educational programs. This is especially important nowadays, when public sphere is invaded by various Holocaust denial, relativization, and obfuscation theories.
The original, microfilmed and digital document collections and the library of our institute constitutes the authentic foundation of the most effective Holocaust remembrance, research, and education programs. With the rise of Holocaust denial, the power and authenticity of our collection is becoming even greater.
Your donation can be directed both to educational, research, and remembrance programs. You can help financing scholarships for students and scholarly research on different subjects related to the Holocaust. The offered scholarship can bear and memorialize the name of a victim of the Holocaust.
Special help is needed also for the aquisition of digital infrastucture devices serving the easier access and maintainance of our archival materials.
Please, make donations to:
[Association of the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FSPAC) ‒ Cluj]
Address: Str. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 26, RO‒400420 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Registred by Cluj-Napoca Court Decision No. 92/2013
Tax Code: 32204980
Bank: Banca Transilvania Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Please, indicate on the bank transfer form as final beneficiary of your donation the Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies of FSPAC.
Also, please, inform us about your donation and its purpose (scholarships, research, infrastructure, etc.) at